Politique de protection des données et de la vie privée

AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. maintains a confidentiality policy of the data provided by the users of the same through: internet, forms in paper, telephone communication or any other means; AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. is committed to protecting them, both in collection and in their subsequent treatment, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), by its Regulations of development, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21 (RLOPD), as well as per Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD).

AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. guarantees that it will confidentially use the personal data of the users, as well as that the measures of timely technical and organizational security in its facilities, systems and files, in the terms established by the LOPD, by the RLOPD and by the RGPD.

AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. may communicate to public authorities competent personal data as well as any other information that be recorded in your files and / or computer systems, when required, and always in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions corresponding.

In compliance with the provisions of the LOPD, the RLOPD as well as the RGPD, whenever personal data is requested from a user of the website to be processed, prior to treatment the following information will be provided: identity and contact details of the controller, contact details of the Delegate of Data Protection, purpose for which the data is obtained, deadlines or criteria of data preservation, automated decisions, profiles and applied logic, legitimacy or legal basis of the treatment as well as the obligation or not to provide the data and the consequences of not doing so, forecast or not of assignments or of transfers to third countries, origin of the data and how to exercise the rights that correspond to him and of the rights that correspond to him regarding the treatment of your personal data. To make compatible the highest demand of information entered by the GDPR and conciseness and understanding in the form of to present it, a model is adopted by AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. layered or tiered information consisting of the following: – Basic information is presented at a first level, in summary form, in the same time and in the same medium in which the data is collected; it refers to additional information on a second level, where they will be presented the rest of the information in detail, in a medium more suitable for your presentation, understanding and, if desired, archiving. The information of the second level is offered on our official website: www.gomezalvaro.com

AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. will provide the user with the technical resources adequate for you to provide informed consent prior to the treatment of your personal information.

The personal data provided by the interested party to AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. through the internet, on paper forms, through telephone communication as well as by any other means, will become part of the corresponding files -created for the provision of their services- owned by AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L., with CIF number B44860302 and address at Avenida Matas Verdes, 2E, 29688 Marbella (Málaga). The activity carried out by AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. is a full expert real estate, law & tax advice service.

AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. will use personal data provided by the interested party for the purpose of providing the services requested or to manage the request or suggestion made.

The personal data processed by AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. will be kept as long as they are necessary for the provision of the requested service or for the management of the request or suggestion made. Once they are no longer necessary for the provision of the service or management of the request or suggestion made, the data personal will be cancelled, proceeding its blocking and subsequent conservation only by legal reasons linked to the responsibility of the data controller and during the prescription period of these; once this period has expired, the themselves.

The legal standing for the treatment of personal data that is provide the interested party to AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. through the internet, paper forms, telephone communication or any other means, is your own consent of the interested party, which is understood to be provided after being informed about it through posters and stickers displayed in the facilities of public use of AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L., through telephone locutions, in the printed forms themselves as well as through the present “DATA PROTECTION & PRIVACY POLICY” exposed in the official website of AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L.

The interested party will only be obliged to provide the necessary data to meet the service requested. In the assumption that the interested makes a request without providing the data that is necessary to serve, AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. cannot handle said request and will be exempt from any responsibility in this regard.

The personal data of users processed by AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L., will not be transferred to third parties, except legal obligation or express authorization and by written of the interested.

The user may exercise their rights of access, opposition, rectification, deletion or cancellation of your data as well as request the limitation of your treatment, directing signed letter to AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L., via email to contact@gomezalvaro.com or by mail addressed to the registered office of AG LAWYERS & ASSOCIATES, S.L. located at Avenida Matas Verdes, 2E, 29688 Marbella (Málaga), in which it will indicate as reference “EXERCISE ARCO LOPD RIGHTS”.

Le document par lequel est exercé l'un des droits visés au paragraphe ci-dessus, doit contenir : le nom et le prénom de l'intéressé et la photocopie de la carte d'identité ou du passeport en cours de validité. L'utilisation de la signature électronique identifiant le demandeur dispense de la présentation des photocopies de la carte d'identité ou du document équivalent.

The user also has the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency Data Protection, through the official website of the Agency, in the option CITIZEN’S CHANNEL.